To download YouTube videos, please add this following bookmarklet first.
1. Touch the Following Link
Full Version: YouTube Downloader
Trial Version: YouTube Downloader Free
if you're using other browser or download apps, you can use the following bookmarklet to download YouTube videos:
javascript:(function(){var b=document.getElementsByTagName("video");var a=null;if(b.length>=0){var k=b[0];a=k.getAttribute("src")}if(a!=null){var h=null;var l=document.getElementsByTagName("div");var j=null;for(var e=0;e<l.length;e++){var c=l[e];var f=c.getAttribute("page_element_id");if(f!=null&&f.toLowerCase()=="content"){j=c;break}}if(j!=null){var g=j.firstChild;if(g!=null){var d=g.firstChild;if(d!=null){h=d.innerHTML}}}if(h!=null){a=a+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(h)}}window.location.href=a})();
2. Touch "Done" to add this bookmarklet, we name this bookmarklet as "YouTube Downloader" bookmarklet
NOTE: You only need to add "YouTube Downloader" bookmarklet once.
After adding the "YouTube Downloader" bookmarklet, you can download YouTube videos by following steps:
1. Access the YouTube video playing page that you want to download, for example:
2. The way to download YouTube videos vary with your devices
For iPhone or iPod Touch, Touch the "Bookmarks" button then touch "YouTube Downloader" bookmarklet
For iPad, you just need touch "YouTube Downloader" bookmarklet in the Bookmark Bar